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Meal Plans Don't Work

Mar 21, 2019
When it comes to dieting or eating 'healthier', people want quick and easy. That's why so many succumb to buying pills, drinks, teas, etc. Meal plans are the same way. Clients want to know what exactly to eat and when.. nicely laid out for them. Could I provide you with a meal plan that would give you the results your looking for? Absolutely. So why don't I do it?
Meal plans and diets aren’t useful or sustainable for the vast majority of clients.
No Variation.  Most meal plans have you eating the same thing close to every day. But what happens when you are supposed to go meet friends for dinner? Or you're going on vacation? That's it - diets off!
Food preferences. Not everyone enjoys eating the same types of foods. Some prefer eating higher carbs, others choose higher fats. Some people do not like certain vegetables, or are allergic. If I put brussel sprouts on your meal plan and you don't like them.. what are the chances the meal plan would be successful? It wouldn't.
It's important to learn skills that can be used across the many different scenarios that happen in daily life. 
Without skills like:
  • planning grocery shopping;
  • choosing the right items from the store;
  • storing and preparing food correctly;
  • eating slowly and mindfully;
  • tuning into hunger and appetite cues;
  • avoiding problem foods; and
  • choosing better options at restaurants...
... following a meal plan becomes hopeless.
Choosing to live a healthier life isn't just about following a plan to the T, or killing yourself at the gym. It's about learning what works for you and doing what you feel is manageable. There is not ONE thing that works for everyone. But learning certain skills can help you achieve your goals. It's not easy, but it's worth it. 
Looking to join other ambitious women working to slay their goals, while balancing life? Come join us in Bringing You Balance on Facebook. We're waiting!

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