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5 Steps to Reach Your Goals

goals success Apr 24, 2019

Hi girl! So glad you're here!

I know that you have goals you want to achieve. You want to lose 5-10lbs, you want to save $100 every month, you want to get that raise you deserve, etc.⁣

As you know, it doesn’t come easy. It’s one thing to say you want to achieve these things, and another to actually ACHIEVE them. It can seem super frustrating, I know. It would be pretty amazing to simply wish it and have it come true, right?!⁣

If you want to finally achieve your goals, here’s 5 things that need to happen:⁣

1. Change – One of my favorite quotes is, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” If you want to achieve something NEW, you have to CHANGE what you’re doing. It’s not going to come easy to you, and that’s okay. This is when true transformations happen.⁣

2. Consistent – It can be extremely hard to incorporate new habits into your routine, especially when you’re not seeing the results as fast as you’d like. But you have to remember that you didn’t form these habits over night, so you won’t get the results you want over night either. Good things take time, trust the process.⁣

3. Show Up – You need to show up for yourself. You say you want to achieve these goals, but you keep getting in your own way. Maybe you’ve been making excuses: lack of time, money, knowledge, etc. Maybe you’re blaming others, your job, or your circumstances. Get real with yourself. If you want something, GO AFTER IT. Don’t wait on the perfect time, or for others to hand it to you. This is YOUR life; it’s time to take control.⁣

4. Get Guidance – If you’re trying to achieve something you’ve never had, how do you expect to know how to get it? It can be frustrating to spin your wheels and waste time trying different things, only to fall short of your goal. If you’re REALLY serious about your goals, find someone who already has it. Maybe this is a coach, a mentor, or a friend. They’ve been there, they know what they’re doing, and they know what works. It’s okay to ask for help (and it’s in your best interest.) You’ll not only FINALLY achieve your goals, but you’ll do it smarter and faster.⁣

5. Stop Comparing – I know, you want to reach your goal and you want it FAST. Like yesterday. So you look around to see others doing what you want to do and you see that they’re successful. Maybe they’ve been doing it a shorter time than you, maybe they have more on their plate, or maybe they make it seem easy. Comparison is the thief of joy. Be grateful they are doing awesome things; it shows you that IT IS possible for you too. Everyone is on their own path, on their own time. You’re NEVER too late.⁣⁣
Which of these do you struggle with most when it comes to your journey? What can you do today to overcome that hurdle? Just one small step?


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