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Have a Case of the Sunday Scaries??

anxiety meditation mindset reiki visualization May 31, 2022

If you experience the 'Sunday Scaries' you might–
😩 Feel intense anxiety & dread
😬 Worry about what all you need to do, and all you didn't do
😣 Stress as the hours dwindle before Monday arrives

You're not alone. Nearly 76% of Americans report feeling this way!

But what you may not realize is how much it can be impacting your life..

You may find that it:
– adds further stress (and if you don't have effective stress reducing methods, you can turn toward alcohol, food, doom scrolling, etc)
– negatively influences your mood, energy & temper
– debilitates you from getting anything done
– imposes feelings that you're behind
– prevents you from being present in the moment

It's not just affecting your Sunday, it's seeping into your week.. causing you to be on edge, stressed, & anxious.


The good news is: you don't have to fall victim to Sunday Scaries

If you've read this far, I know that you're interested in breaking free from this cycle so you can better manage your time, be less stressed & feel better.

This is the exact reason clients keep coming to Meditation & Reiki every Sunday night.

❌ They're not meditation pros
❌ They may not fully understand Reiki, or how it works
✔ They do, however, KNOW how these sessions makes them feel & how much it improves their week

And you can do the same! Join incredible souls from all over the world in REAL time from the comfort of your home every Sunday at 8pm CST. 

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Join us inside The Collective for Meditation & Reiki by clicking here.

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